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rat secreting pink/purple goop and she wont stop peeing

21 17:27:16

My rat is constantly peeing. She has peed about 5 times in about 7 hrs. and she has never done this before. What is wrong? Also I noticed some pinkish purple goop on her toilet paper bedding. Also there was a little speck of blood. She when into heat yesterday so that might be it but I also gave her her first bath. She is probably about 4 months old but I'm not sure. I got her from petco. She is acting normal other than that.


Rats do not bleed when in heart.  How do you know she was in heat yesterday?  Rats ovulate for about 8 yo 12 hour, but becasue they are in heat every 4 to 5 days, this is not enough time for the rats uterus to build up an endometrial lining so therefor there is nothing to shed during estrus.  Any blood found around the vaginal opening is abnormal and means there is something wrong and warrants prompt attention by a vet.

However I do not think this is what is going on.  I believe your seeing porphyrin splatters around the bedding and cage. If there was any blood mixed in with the porphyrin, it may be mixed in with her urine. Frequent urination means possible urinary tract infection.  Be sure she is drinking plenty of water.  

She will need a vet to recover.  Do you have a good exotic vet that is board certified in avian/exotics?  If you need someone please let me know your location and I will happily give you some names to check out.