Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat seems constantly tired and there are some splashes of blood

My rat seems constantly tired and there are some splashes of blood

21 16:49:42

Charles is on the left
Charles is on the left  
QUESTION: Hi, first I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this! Recently, my rat, Charles, has been quite sluggish. His brother, Eddie, has been fine. He's still active they both have an appetite, but yesterday I noticed as I was cleaning out their cage, there were red splashes on their bedding. We don't have enough money to take them to the vets and I'm really worried. What can I do? Is it a sign of stress or a serious illness. Please help they're all I have. Please help me?

ANSWER: Hi Ella.  Both your boys are very handsome and appear to be best buddies.  You didn't mention Charles' age.  But regardless, bleeding is a bad sign.  I doubt it is from stress.  Can you tell where it is coming from on him?  It could be any number of things and I cannot guess at this.  It could be simple like a urinary tract infection that can be treated with antibiotics or it could be something much more serious.  

I'm sorry to tell you that a vet visit is mandatory.  Even an infection if not treated with meds can turn serious and result in death.  I would not hesitate another day.  You need to take him to a vet, and hopefully it's a vet with experience in treating rats.  See if you can work with the vet on a payment plan.  My vet allows that.  Or use a credit card that you can pay off in time.  Have you heard of CareCredit?  Not sure if it's something available in the UK but perhaps you can google it.  If you are worried and afraid of losing him, then a vet visit is critical. I know that this is not the answer you were hoping for but that is what I strongly recommend if you want to save him.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

The boys
The boys  
QUESTION: I just want to thank you for your time and advice! I took them both to the vet and it turns out that Charles broke his toenail, causing the bleed. The vet said I was lucky, any later and an infection would have spread. When we asked why he was so lethargic, he said it might be due to pain. I can't thank you enough! You literally saved my rats life! We were given hippirub and have to apply it twice a day.

Thanks again! :3

Hi again Ella, you can't imagine what it means to me to hear such wonderful news and to learn that Charles will be ok.  So often, people write to me about their ill rats and I never hear back from them, leaving me wondering if their rats have recovered.  

To help ease Charles' pain, it would not hurt to give a drop of infant ibuprofen every 6 hours until his toe is healed or at least just for the next couple of days.

Thank you for your kind words and  the new photo of your beautiful boys.  Enjoy every moment you can loving on them as, sadly, their lives are far too short.  Please don't hesitate too write me again if you need any sort of advice at all.