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Different food/Homemade toys?

21 17:21:30


Dumbo babies!
In previous questions I have asked you about food, and you said that the Kaytee Forti-diet I bought was too high in protein and corn. Thus, I returned it and looked for more. I didn't find the Harlan Teklad food you recommended or the Regal Rat kind, so I bought some Nutriphase mouse/rat formula. It has 16% protein, 7% fat, 10% fiber and lists corn as its first ingredient, but it seemed to be the best choice. (there was also another type called Reggie Rat food by Supreme Pet that listed wheat as its first ingredient, but was REALLY expensive ($8 for 2 pounds!)).

Anyway, I plan on probably giving the Nutriphase as a primary food/free choice food and also having other options sometimes like cereal or oats, not to mention wet foods and veggies.

I finally checked craigslist again for rats for sale in my area and found somebody with baby dumbo rats!!! (I attached a picture, it's the tan/white one and the black headed one with spots on his back) I'll be getting two sweet males that have been handled a lot (by a mom and her three-year old, so I'd assume that they will be quite friendly). They will be ready on Sept. 11th so I can get them then! Since they will be rather young (4 and a half weeks), will I need to do anything special for food, bedding, toys, handling etc?

Speaking of toys, I am still not sure what all I can use as toys for them. I took an old bucket and cut a hole in it as a door, I assume I will need to fill it with bedding material? My dad says it's unnecessary to buy toys and accessories for rats, so I am making them on my own. I've heard they like boxes to shred and play in, so I am putting a few tissue boxes (with the plastic part taken out) in the cage, and my brother plays tennis so I took an old plastic tennis ball can and cut off the bottom for a tunnel (I smoothed out the cut area). I read somewhere that you can make a hammock from an old towel or something, so I got an old washcloth to hang there, but it has little loops on it, should I cover one side of it with a smooth fabric so that their claws don't catch?

As for claws, I have noticed how sharp they can get and have read that they can be trimmed a little (as long as you don't clip at the quick). To trim nails, do you need to use a special pet nail trimmer, or will regular nail clippers/scissors work? If it's not really necessary, if I put something rough, like a brick, in their cage where they will regularly go, will that keep them down?

Also, since I will have two rats, will I need two of anything (water bottles, normal food bowls, hammocks, nest boxes, etc) or will they share?



I am so excited for you!  Your all ready to go now.  I cant wait for you to bring them home.  I brought my babies home in June at the age of just 4 weeks.  Take a look at them here:

Anyhow, not much to do really but be sure the cage bars are close together to prevent escape, have a play area of cardboard made for their safety during play time and thats about it.  Dont be shocked, no matter how social they are, if they are a bit timid when you bring them home. After all, they dont know you from Adam and it may take a few days to get used to their new surroundings.

Check out my webpage about my new boys who I brought hom in June at the age of 4 weeks old.  They are fast, slippery and BUSY!  

Here they are at this URL:

Let me know after you read it.

Oh and about their they age, they wear down, but you can use baby nail clippers on the tips.