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need a vet:: male rat tumor or cyst?

21 17:39:48

Can you recommend a vet in the Vancouver, Washington/Portland, OR area that has expertise treating rats? I think our rat may have a cyst, but the growth is showing no signs of pus or discharge of any sort.  It is behind/below his left ear, and has grown rapidly in the last few days; it it now the size of a small grape.  It feels fatty.  It does not seem to bother him.  I read your post about draining at home, but I am definately "faint of heart" and I don't know for certain if it is a cyst or tumor.  Our rat is approx. 2 1/2 yrs old.

Hi Darcy

It sounds like it may be an abscess so yes, if your definitely faint of heart, do not attempt to even touch it. If it does open up though you will need to take him in no matter what just to get it cleaned out.
Usually tumors do not grow that fast and that is a bit of an odd area for a tumor. My money is on the abscess, which actually is much getter news than it would be if it were a tumor!

Here is what I have for you as far as a vet that is a true certified exotic vet and care for rats. There are 3 all exotic clinics in Washington but they are in Seattle, Bothell and one other city that we all 3 hours away from Portland. I wasn't sure your exact location so if you want them let me know.   Please let me know how things are going, too.
Hang in there!


Dr. Ross Weinstein
North Portland Veterinary Hospital     
3000 N. Lombard
Portland OR 97217
Phone:    503-285-0462