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Murphys owie

21 17:43:49

i just want to thank you for all our help. and i was wondering why is it interesting Murphy might be sterile  does it not occur very often? but now i have a new problem i felt it was safer to move Murphy to  cage by himself while his wounds heal because there is still a hole .but he is not liking it very much he's squeaking, pacing and just looks so sad  he has always been in the same cage as Bindi since he was a baby imoved Murphy into the bedroom and put thier 2 cages side byside that way he can at least smell and see her. will he be ok with this tempory arrangement or do you think it will be to stressful on him? im scared to put him in with her at the moment because she is more aggresive then him and does tend to bully him at times but all in all they get along fine.she's actually very protective over him i can't count the number of times she bit me while i was petting Murphy

Its not as common for rats to be sterile and I have only heard of one other male being sterile so it surprised me.

I would put him back with her to be honest. It could stress him and stress upsets the immune system. With the infection he has, it could make him sick.  I doubt Bindi will mess with him but if you do notice she is acting more aggressive toward him, that is when it is time to put him in another cage.  
I dont even suggest separating rats when they have surgery etc... I have seen stress cause too many problems and not once have I witnessed my own rats trying to mess with another rats wounds and same goes for clients rats too.