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mammary tumors & the use of Lupron

21 17:54:00

You mentioned in a previous response concerning an inoperable mammary tumor about the successful use of Lupron. What would the general dosage be ? I also have a rat with a mammary tumor. When it was first detected (back in October), I was unable to finanace the surgery to remove it. Now it has grown considerably and I fear that upon inspection the vet will tell me that it is too large to safely remove. I think Luna's only hope will be a treatment similar to Lupron. I would greatly appreciate any information that you can give me.

Although I know "of" Lupron I've never used it myself as I've been very lucky and had very few rats with mammary tumors. Sandra Todd, also on this site, would be the one to ask - she is much more knowledgable than I on that sort of thing.

Good luck!