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21 17:30:22

I am utterly concerned about my sweet female rat, Remy. About two or three days ago she appears to have "sprained" her front left paw, she hasnt or even tried to put any pressure on it so I am worried that she wont want to walk on it again. Unlike my parents I for one would like to know if my rat will be okay. She has been having continous trouble with climbing, jumping, fighting off the other rats, and walking due to the fact that she is constantly stumbling over the flooring in her cage. She appears to have come across her injury when she was keeping me company on the computer desk. So I just want your opinion since my mother refused to take her to a veternarian.
Sincerely, Emilie and Remy.

Question:    My sweet female blue dumbo rat means the world to me. My rat Remy likes to keep me company while I do some typing on the computer, when I looked away to type I heard her squeak fairly loud and she was licking her left front foot, she hasnt put any weight on it ever since. Her cage-mate "Baby" hasnt helped with the whole injury, which is why i came to you to ask if I should separate the girls and let my little Remy stick it out. My mother does not want me to seek veterinary care so I'm kind of at a dead end. My rat has been limping in pain and can no longer jump or climb.
Email me back as fast as you can. Thank you for your concern

Hi Emilie

You sent two messages so I copied one to this one, but they appear to be the same thing.

As for Remy, sounds like she sprained her forelimb.  Is it swollen or red? Does it look like it is twisted or malformed?

She is limping because it is her way of tending to it so it can heal. If you can put her in a small cage with no shelves, ramps or ladders and keep her confined to one story. Do not allow her to climb or jump or wrestle the other rats for a few days.  Keep her quiet.  If you know her weight, let me know and you can give her childrens liquid ibuprofen.  

Also, perhaps you should try to save money, be it your birthday money or Christmas money, because sooner or later one of your rats may fall ill and it may be life or death for them if they dont see a Vet. I have heard too many stories where parents allow their children to have pet rats yet refuse to take it to the vet when needed and both the rat and child suffer.   I can tell you are very responsible rat keeper and want to do the best for your little rats, so perhaps if you make an effort on your part to pitch in a bit of money, when and if the time ever comes, you may be able to pay for your rats health care needs from a Vet.