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rat w/ possible CHF

21 17:49:37

Sandra, last night just after the oxygen people were making arrangements to bring some O2 out to my house, Methuselah stopped breathing.  He gasped like 4 times and then his heart stopped.  Just before that, he crawled up and put his face in my hand and grabbed hold of my thumb.  We buried him in the back yard right next to my childhood cat who died a few months back.  I wish I could have done something more, but he didn't struggle too long and I'm so glad I was there.    I tried to email you back last night, but our network connection went down. Thank you so very much for all your kindness and concern.  You really are a blessing.

One more question.  Do I need to be concerned about my other rattie becoming depressed? I am planning on seeing how he does with my boyfriend's rats (3 of his brothers) the next time I'm in Orlando and maybe bring one of them back to live w/ me. But until I can get down there... is there anything I can do other than spending a lot of time w/ him?  Thanks again

Nessa I am truly sorry about your little man. I am convinced now it was heart failure and I am just happy you were there to comfort him when he passed away.

As for being depressed, just watch that he doesnt stop eating. I have lost rats due to being depressed and sometimes the vet will say that the rat "caught" whatever killed the rat that died but after a necropsy showed my rat had a heart attack or kidney failure due to old age etc...that proved my other rats were not sick from catching what the other rats had but instead they were stressed at the loss of their cage mate, which in turn compromises the immune system.  I have had rats do fine and others not do so well.
My rat that is blind?  He lost all 3 of his cagemates not to death, but instead, when he lost his vision he had to live alone in a small single story cage and I could not put a healthy rat with sight in there with SMudge, it wouldnt be fair, so we waited to see how he adjusted not only to being totally blind but living alone.  His cage is in my big walk in closet so I always can just go peak at him and take him out to hold him or let him walk around a bit but he just gets confused and walks or spins in a circle so I usually hold him for his time out. He uses his litter box like a champ and eats and I have three water bottles in his cage (He always hits his head on one of the spouts! LOL) but he is doing fine which amazed me because I did not know what I was going to do if he was depressed.  He has been alone now for nearly 4 months.

ANyhow, just watch your little guy and be sure he is eating and seems his normal self.

Also, if you want just for the heck of it, look up that one vet you first tried last night that said they cant see you as an emergency unless your a patient...obviously they have someone there that sees exotics and see what they offer for an emergency. Not that this would have helped little Methuselah (I just think it was his time) unless it was something super aggressive as far as treatment goes and if you dont have that available...well, there is nothing that you can do...but maybe this other vet has a nebulizer and an oxygenated CLIMATE CONTROLLED enclosure and all that happy jazz that would be needed for a rat in respiratory distress or heart failure.  
I would make an appt for a check up and secure this vet so if there is another emergency, you are an established patient with them.

One last thing...also for the heck of it, you can try animal shelters, see if they happen to have a spayed female sitting around needing a home. A  spayed female and a male get along alot easier with introductions than males and males in some cases. Just a thought..and you would be saving another rat...but I would only get one that was spayed of course. NEVER own a female that is intact if you dont want the heartache of mammary tumors blooming left and right once they get older. Talk about heartache.   ACK!

Again, I am truly sorry  you lost him.  I knew deep down when you said he was cold that we were losing him fast but I didnt want to tell you that I was almost 100% sure he would not make it through the night....sometimes miracles happen...sometimes.  :(