Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Im not sure if my rat is stressed or ill?

Im not sure if my rat is stressed or ill?

21 17:49:37

I got a dumbo rat just over a month ago to be a companion to my fancy rat.
Since taking her home she used to sneeze occasionally. It took two weeks to
introduce the two. So from this i assumed the sneezing was due to stress
because of what she had gone through in a short amount of time. The two
seem to get on fine apart from the elder rat trying to sniff underneath the
little one and pinning her down. But the little one also aggravates the older
rat. Just over a month on the little one is still sneezing excessively. Despite
this she is hyperactive, into her food and doesnt appear to have any signs of
being ill (hunch back, fluffed up coat etc) I am always getting them both out
and showing equal attention but she is still a little timid. Is she sneezing due
to the elder rat constantly chasing and sniffing her or is t likely she could
possibly be ill?

Hi Emma;
Your younger rat should be over any stress sniffles by now. She may just be a sneezy rat (just as people can be prone to sneezing bunches), or it could be a bit of a virus. Check your bedding ype. Do you have her on pine or cedar? This may be a cause -- NEVER keep a pet rat on pine or cedar! Always Aspen if you use any sort of wood chip. Is the bedding you use (if not pine or cedar) excessively dusty?

Listen to her lungs. If she sounds congested, a vet trip is in order. If not, keep an eye on her for any other symptoms, and take her in if it gets worse.