Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > well........


21 17:28:29

my rat paxton he has this problem like when i get him out he pees on my alot and when i put him in his cage he turns around real fast as if to bite me i take very good care of  pets i have 2 hamsters 2 mice and him he was like that when i got him but he was irrestiblealy adorable he also sniffs at me through the cage when i talk to him.....please help me thank you very much i appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions....


Your rat pees on you because he is nervous, but male rats also like to mark their turf with urine, which is what he is doing to you.  Consider it a good thing!  He likes you!  Just wipe yourself off after holding him and there is nothing you can do to change it. As he gets older he may stop doing it so much.

I dont know what else you want to know?