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My rex rat

21 17:51:16

I took my pet rat to the vet. He received an antibiotic shot that made him quite unhappy for a bit. Anyways he isnt sneezing as often now but still is a bit. Is a little sneezing ok? It has been two days and since we had to quarantine him he is miserable from his friend. Does it seem to be working well enough to release him back into the same cage as his friend?

Did the vet tell you what your rat had, what the antibiotic was, and did they give you any follow up medicine to be giving him?

Generally I'm very anti-quarantine when it comes to rats getting sick, except for in cases where the culprit is SDA or severe pneumonia. The thing is, its kind of like shutting the barn gate once the horses are out: pointless. Figure the average contagious lifespan of a typical human cold is about a two weeks, right? And we don't show symptoms until the last two days we're contagious, and then a week "getting over" the cold. Same with animals! He was in with his roommate while he was contagious and if it was catching, his roomie is already incubating it, if not already sick with it. So if it was a basic upper respiratory problem, yes; put him back in with his buddy -- no sense in making them both miserable. All you do by separating them is cause a rift between rattie friends, making re-introduction harder in the long run, and make your rat depressed (which lowers his immune system and makes it harder for him to beat whatever bug he's got).

Let me know the answers to those questions, and I can give you a more definitive answer regarding his recovery. :)