Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > I think my rat is getting old

I think my rat is getting old

21 17:49:21

QUESTION: My rat is 1 yr and 9 months old.  I think i maybe losing her. She hardly moves and when she does she has labored breathing.  Right now she isn't eating or drinking.  She is just laying in her hammock trying to rest. Is there anything I can do or just give her as much tlc as i can?

ANSWER: Hi Diana

Your rat is not suffering from signs of old age, she is sick and needs medical attention right away. Your little girl is far from old.  A year and a half in a rat is middle age.  Normally rats live to be right around close 3 years old providing they have had a healthy life complete with healthy diet etc..and so on. At this age, she is just now near the age her estrus cycle ends and she will stop going into heat.  This occurs anywhere from 18 months to 2 years old.

She needs TLC of course but she also needs a vet right away. It sounds as is she is in respiratory distress. Try to get fluids in her right away while your calling the vets. You can use a syringe and give her pedialyte but right now anything will do even sugar water. Put the syringe in the corner of her mouth and slowly press the bulb if using a dropper or the plunger if using a syringe. If you dont have koolaid, you can also melt some ice cream and let her lick it. No soda though.

Let me know your zip code and location (city and state) and even if you live outside the US I have access of  and I can find a vet for you if you do not have one.  It is Saturday so it sounds like you will need an ER vet unless the vet is open till noon providing you read this fast enough.

How long as your girl been sick?

hang in there....we will get her fixed in no time!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your info.  I wish I had noticed it sooner. She just passed away. Thanks again.  Diana


I just called the place below, Hecker Animal Clinic. They also agreed it sounded like she had a respiratory infection, probably pneumonia and the chances the others can catch it are there, although slim.
I would call if you feel better to see if they think you should  come in today or just watch the others but as long as they get your name down and information, you can be on record in case you need them in an emergency.  I didnt tell her I was from North Carolina though. I just said I was calling for a friend (a rattie friend :)  

Anyhow hope this helps....the first clinic has two certified exotic vets which would be my first choice as Dr. Exline has an awesome reputation.

They are in till 2 today. I am EST so now sure what time zone your in.

Dr. Brock Exline
Hecker Animal Clinic    
7240 Wornall Road
 Kansas City MO 64114-1345
Phone:    816-333-4330


Dr. Corey Entriken
Gladstone Animal Clinic    
7027 N. Oak Trafficway
Gladstone MO 64118
Phone:    816-436-1100