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rat feces coloration

21 17:28:52

Hello. After reading, reading, reading, and readying, I acquired my first pair of rats on Sunday (3/8). They are store-bought because none of the local shelters had any to adopt, and they are wonderful. Both are male, about 3 months old, and very friendly. My concern, however, is that during one-on-one playtime, my dumbo Lixa excreted a multicolor piece of feces- Most of it was dark brown and looked like every other piece I've seen from either of them, but had pink spots in it. The pink spots seemed to be a different texture, but I was not brave enough to feel around and verify. It was also quite pungent. I cannot find any literature online about fecal coloration, and am wondering if this is a natural occurrence and I'm overreacting, or if I should get him to the vet.

I am feeding them Kaytee Fortidiet Prohealth, with fresh, small additions. In the last four days, before the concerning sample was made, I have fed them: 4 raisins, approx 1 teaspoon rice cake, and approx 1 teaspoon shredded leaf lettuce. As part of playtime today they received 2 peas and 2 carrots (less than 1/4 inch square in size).

Neither one is exhibiting other health problems, all other stools I have seen are dark brown and solid. No breathing problems seem to be occuring, nor is there any staining or discharge around their mouths or eyes.  

Chances are he ate something they found on the floor.
If there were blood in the stool it would be very red, not pink.

You should look over my website on proper diet.  You can give them more than 2 pears and 2 carrot slices and should forget the lettuce. It makes soft stools and has no real nutritional value.

THey need low protein diet with low fat. kaytee brane food is never the answer to proper feeding.  The food is usually high in protein and loaded with fats, and has the first ingriedient as corn, which is not good at all.

Check out this URL here for more info on proper diet.