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LOTS of scabby cuts and bald patches

21 17:51:45

My boy rat, Francy, was living in the same cage for a while with another boy rat. Because he kept attacking my rat, we decided to move him to a different cage. At first we thought the cuts he had were from being attacked, but it's been two weeks since they were separated and we keep seeing fresh cuts all over. If you push back his fur, he is COVERED with scratches and scabs. He is also getting bald patches and the cuts just keep gettig worse and worse. I don't know what is causing them.  We live in a small town (no vets here handle exotic animals) and we really can't afford to drive 1-2 hours away to go to a vet, not to mention the $30-$40 fee.  I'm desperate for answers and home remedies.  I don't see any bugs so I'm not sure what it could be.  Help!

Hi Hannah

It could be one of two things...his diet or mites. Mites cant always been seen with the naked eye.  Either way, he should not need to see a vet at all but you still may need to stop in at the vets for some medicine for mites if we come to that conclusion but it wont cost more than $15 or so for the vial of revolution (If we determine it is mites) Most vets will sell this over the counter.

But lets start with diet first. This would be easier to take care of.
Often, a diet high in protein and fats could trigger skin condition that causes scabs and sores and loss of fur.
What type of diet is he on?

Also, how old is he?  Poor little guy getting beat up from the other rat!
Do they ever get along or to they fight all the time?
I hate seeing rats have to live apart since the stress can actually lower their immune system so that is why I asked if there was ever a time they got along.

Let me know so we can continue to figure out what the deal is.

Hang in there!
