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red bugs on baby rats

21 17:36:14

QUESTION: Hi. Iw as holding our week old little "ratlets", and noticed their were these scab looking things. upon closer inspection, they moved. They're on each of the 7 babies, except one (dont' know why the one doesn't have them), and i don't know about the mom and our other rats. The bugs are about the size of a pin-head, and seem to have their heads stuck in the babies skin (i say that because I tried to get them off, and they're pretty stuck). i was wondering if you know what these are and what i should do about them? thanks so much again!

ANSWER: Poor babies have mites.  Mom probably has them and the way to treat the babies is to have mom treated.  DO NOT treat the babies, they are too young.  You are going to have to consult a vet that truly knows what he is talking about when it comes to rats and since there is no such thing as a "rat vet" you will need an exotic vet or at least a vet that sees exotics and has a clue.  There are more of these vets that claim they know though, and they dont, so this worries me.  
Sine it is not recommended that ivermectin be given to  does nursing baby rats under 2 weeks of age, revolution applied topically to the nursing rat is probably the way to go or the vet may  wait till the pups are 2 weeks old. Something needs done though since these bugs live on the rats blood and it can cause anemia in the little babies.  Increase moms iron by giving her scrambled eggs a few times a week and also add infants soy formula or even soy milk to help prevent the iron levels from dropping due to the mites.  If you need help finding a vet please let me know and I will give you some names.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Also, i forgot to ask a not-so-related question. we got these 2 rats from Petsmart. both were supposed to be boys, but 3 days later one had babies. now we're not sure if the second rat we got is a boy or girl. i took it back to ask them to check again, but the not so helpful staff didn't really seem to know. they said it was a boy, but i don't really believe them, and I don't see any boy parts which seemed online to be pretty obvious. any help in identifying? thanks again. i've now learned to avoid pet stores if possible. This whole thing has been pretty frustrating. I'm greatful to feel that SOMEONE knows what they're talking about.

I answered you on the other message and...many pet store employees are very uninformed.  There are few that know what they are talking about and there are some rat lovers that work at these places just to educate people but unfortunately, the petstores I have come across have clueless people there just to make a buck and know nothing about the area they are assigned to.  If the employee that works in the small critter section doesnt know about the little animals they sell they have no business working that section. Put them in the back stocking shelves or something.  Sheesh!