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hairless rats and how long do they live for?

21 17:21:08

How long do hairless rats live for? Also how many times can the same rat have babys?

It depends how well they are cared for.  If they are kept in a well ventilated cage and if they are female and are spayed, fed a low protein and low fat diet and not the seed mixes found at pet stores, kept away from pine, cedar and corn cob litter and bedding, kept as free of respiratory infection as possible, and have a good vet care for them doing a check up every 6 months, and also bred from a line of hairless rats that has a clean history of health, they can live to be up to 2.5 years to 4 years old.

If you are talking about hairless rats and how many times could the same hairless rat have babies, I would say never unless your sure that they come from a line of hairless rats that are known to lactate. Many hairless rats do not lactate and therefore will eat their babies due to lack of being able to feed them properly.  

A healthy furred female rat can be bred between 4 and 5 months of age and should not be bred more than twice, with a time between litters to be at least 3 months in order to give her body a rest.
Never breed any rat if you do not know their genetic background or you could be adding to the already millions of fancy rats out there born that carry genes to megacolon, malocclusion, certain types of cancers, liver and heart disease at an early age, among other ailments that contribute to our rats premature death.

Hope this helps.