Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > is it an ulcer?

is it an ulcer?

21 17:59:59

My pet rat has a large lump just under one of her legs. Is it an ulcer? If not, do you have any idea what it could be?

Also, how much do vets normally charge to take care of ulcers, if that's what it is?

It sounds like it could be one of two things. An abcess or a tumor. Does it look like it is filled with pus, oozing, has a scab, etc? If so my bet is an abcess. You can wait until it bursts and keep it very clean (keep your rat on newspaper so nothing gets into the sore)and see if it heals properly, or take him/her to the vet for it to be burst and cleaned. They may also give you antibiotics to make sure it doesn't get infected.

If it feels more like a solid mass then I would be much more worried about a tumor and take him/her to the vet right away. It may be benign (not "alive" or growing) but you need to get it checked in case it is cancerous.

Good luck!