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Hes sick, I dont know what to do

21 17:59:57

My rat has been acting weird lately. I wasn't able to clean his cage for a while because I didn't have proper bedding, but when I did I noticed that my rat was really weak acting. He has almost completely stopped eating. When he does eat he can't hold the food and he falls over a lot. When I let him out to run around he seems to drag his feet, and all he wants to do is sit there with his eyes half open. He does move around, but not as quickly or as enthusiatically. He's only 2 , so it can't be because he's old...I don't know what to do. I'm worried, I need help.

Well for one, two is definitely getting up there for rats so I wouldn't rule that out. Rats tend to live 2 1/2 - 3 years.

I'm a little concerned that you didn't notice something was wrong until you cleaned his cage, but it sounds like he needs to go to the vet. I obviously can't diagnose your rat online, but if he's wheezing at all, the weakness reminds me of pneumonia, but it could be a number of things.

Good luck.