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cerebral thrombosis??? + diet followup

21 17:33:22

Reva (the name of my ill rat) is better today. She can hold her head by herself and she eats better (one hazelnut, big slice of cucumber, big slice of banana, a piece of boiled potato and a bit of home cheese, yogurt and baby food too which she didn't like the day before). After "breakfast" I put her back in the cage and she went to the corner where ordinary food lays and tried a bit of it also. There's still something that she cannot keep in her mouth, but only 2 or 3 pieces of a hazelnut dropped instead of half a nut in pieces before. I bought a pack of soy milk and she drank a bit - I filled the cap of drinking bottle, because it's hard by pipette. Reva also tries to wash herself and the eyes are a bit more open. Though she still cannot walk properly and falls over. But I read in your page, that it's sometimes for elder rats, so maybe it's ok. She also is interested when I open the lid of the cage. Reva cannot stay up on the feet as the other rat, but she rises the head.

I asked the vet about medicine - she said one of them is group B vitamins, the other is some vitamins + medicine to increase immunity and the 3rd injection is antibiotics. The medicine was given together with saline. She also gave me the syringes with medicine so I can inject them tomorrow(Sunday). I'll go to vets on Monday.

You're right, I don't live in US. I live in a small European country called Latvia. Most of the rats you can buy in a shop here are white with black, sometimes gray but almost never black or brown because most people associate them to wild rats and they don't like them. I heard that the closer the rat's color to natural one, the possibility of her to be healthier is bigger. So I was searching for brown or black rats and then I got these ones :) My previous rats were black.

This is very good she is improving.  As long as she keeps getting better each day, this proves its infection in her middle ear.

I have black rats and brown rats too. Right now I have two black boys. I had a wild rat once named Holly. She was the best rat ever. She lived to be three years old.

Latvia? I never heard of it but will look it up now to see where it is etc... Sounds interesting.