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I Think she might be Dying

21 17:48:41

I rescued 2 rats 7 months go sisters one dyed 3 months ago and now this one maybe there are older rats i know that how old not sure but can tell they had a rough life due to scars on their tails and one had half her ear ripped off when i received them any way Brown sugar keeps falling over to her side and wants to lay there she has the head tilt thing and is acting like she cant use her front legs over the past months her hair has been thining lots. I slept with her last night hoping that the company would ease he but she is the same. Now if she is dying i want to know if i should let her pass at home or have her put down.

She cant use her front paws?  Do you mean she cannot hold food etc?
How has she been able to eat?

The head tilt could be ear infection. Have you taken her to a vet for this and if so what meds was she given?

Let me know about the front paws....but I have a feeling your girl has a pituitary tumor and there is no cure for it.  I would let her go humanely by the vet if that is the case because this could go on for days and she will suffer.

FIrst though, let me know about her ability to hold food and to walk etc... and drink.  Is she able to drink?