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Spouse is apprehensive about rats

21 17:34:24

Just started researching these funny little critters for our family.  We have 4 young children and no other pets but they will actually be MY pets - I've wanted rats since I was little!
My question is regarding which sex to get.  My husband is apprehensive about these creatures and worried that they will smell the house us too badly.  His mother is also allergic to cats & dogs.  I've heard that the males urinate more than females to mark.  Is this true and does it stink?  Are there cleaning products I can use for this?  Do they do this even if they are litter trained?
I have owned cats before but because this is a first time for rats, I want to make sure that I am well prepared for them.  
Thanks so much for your time!  I've enjoyed reading what you have to say about these cutties!

Males, neuter them and your all set.  I would say females but they do have problems with mammary tumors and you must spay them young or they will end up with the tumors as they age, around 18 months old.  All animals smell, no matter what.  Ever smell a wet dog?  There is nothing worse than cat urine beating that of a rat hands down in my opinion anyhow.  As for being allergic, I would rule that out before bringing the rats home. Bring your mother in law to a pet store, let her touch and handle the rats and see what happens. It seems the more people are allergic to dogs/cats they tend to be allergic to rodents as well.

As for marking, all rats mark their area. This stems from the wild as they use their urine like hikers leave a trail in the wilderness so they can find their way back. Rats travel in the dark in tunnels at night and use their urine trail to find their way home. Males also use it to mark their turf.  As they get older this eases up, but neutering the males are the best way to rid them of this natural habit. Litter training doesnt help with marking but it does help with odor training since they only have a small area to use. When cleaning I use a spray bottle filled half way with water and the other half hibicleanse solution. Sometimes I use vinegar with water but I like hibicleanse the best. Just a cap   full in  a big bottle full of water and it lasts months.

Back to neutering....I would make sure the vet used was a good exotic vet. Check out my website and the page about surgery risks etc...and why we need to be careful with our choice in vets for our rats.

I can also help find a vet for you if you need one. Let me know and I will be glad to give you some names of good vets!

Good luck!