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My Little Man is showing some unusual behavior

21 17:15:34

 My name is Melissa and my pet rat Little Man is about a year and half. A few days ago after his weekly bath he started showing some unusual behavior towards me and my boyfriend and it has me really concerned. Ever since his bath if I try to feed him by hand when my boyfriend is around he wont accept his food, he tenses up, chatters his teeth, runs away if we try to pick him up, and once we touch him he squeaks. What does all this mean? Is he scared or possibly agitated? Is it possible he dislikes my boyfriend? He shows more of this behavior towards him but he still squeaks if I try to pick him up and I'm very gentle with him. Should we leave him alone for a few days or should I get him a cage mate? Please help I miss my Little Man!

Somet At his age, he may be hard to introduce another male to his castle. He is already set in his ways.  Solo rats are often a bit more neurotic too, so little things can set him off and rats have a good memory. Lets make sure he isnt ill.  Is he eating ok and coming out to play normally?

I would not leave him alone for a few days, but I would skip the baths for a bit.  Rats dont need a bath every week anyhow. This dries their skin.  As long as he is able to groom himself, there is no need to give him a bath unless of course he cant wait and is in the  tub without you even trying, ready to swim and splash.  Some rats love it, most only tolerate it.