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Diet for my new Alibino Rat.

21 17:01:10

I got a female Albino rat 3 months ago. I'm very much in love with this sweet, cute mice.
But most of the time she does not eat, i'm afraid that she is not being provided good food that is really needed by her.
I give her biscuits, fruits(can u suggest what would be the best fruits for her),
Cheese( strange she does not seem to love cheese as much as they commonly show)
Is it okay i bathe her once every 1-2 weeks.
What kind of toys should i bring for her to play because she Is alone and has no partner.
And at what age do these rats are ready to mate, so that i can try and find her a mate.
My apologize emma for so many questions at one go. But i hope u understand my curiosity.
I hope to get ur response soon.
Thanks you.  :)

If you can try to get a store bought rat food mix.
I normally give my rats grapes and strawberries. Rat's can't have citrus fruit (Pineapple, lemons, oranges etc... etc...)
Believe it or not cheese is something to be given only sparingly because it can give bad stomach issue.
Normally bathing is done at most once a month because skin can get very dry after awhile.
Female rat's are normally ready to mate at 5-6 weeks, but you can have up to 156 babies in one year.
Rat's are very social and need a companion, they are never to young to have a friend, before that try to give her at least a hour a day of attention to keep her from being to depressed.
That's perfectly fine that you asked all these questions and yes I do understand.
Hope this helped
Feel free to ask any more questions I'll be happy to answer!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi emma,
Thanks for all the information that was very helpfull.
I would like to share some specific behaviour of ma rat.
It seems that when ever she does not want to eat something tht has been given to her, she simply puts that into her drinking water bowl. Which is of a size a bit bigger than coke bottle cap, and also drops 1 piece of her poo in it.
I hv noticed that she does not drink water much even to an extent of 2-3 days.
So i kept another bowl filled with milk and to my surprise she always prefers milk over water is that okay.

I 'm very worried if she is eating properly or no..... Now for example she loves green peas so if she eats 1 full green pea is that enough for her to fill her tiny tummy. Because in a day she may eat this amount of anything given to her 2-4 times.
Do you think that is enough for her for 1 day.
Thanks for your previous reply that was really quicker than what I expected.
Hope the same this time around to .
Thanks in advance. :)

Hi Kailish,
First of all sorry for the longer delay... I got busy!
I recommend using a rodent water bottle, I tried to do what you were doing and they only took a few sips.
About the milk I suggest you don't use it too much because most animals are lactose intolerant. (Meaning they can't have dairy products)
Do you give her one big food bowl?
I give my rats two food bowls (One for food mix and one for pellets)
So they have plenty of options. If she likes peas then I think she would like other greens: Brocily, lettuce, spinach etc... My rats act like  they've been starved for weeks after one day without food, I haven't seen my other rats before these two act like that. It does seem a bit odd that she isn't eating more, but it's good she's eating.  If you can afford it I would suggest going to the vet if you can afford it. This also might be a factor of being alone as rat's get depressed and there for stop eating as much.
Hope this helped
If you have any more questions again don't hesitate to ask!