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Red tail

21 17:25:47


Reddened tail
This morning we got our two rats out before heading to the store. I placed them back in their cage and we left. Once we got home my son went up to get his out and found her tail was red. We don't know what happened unless the other rat bit her playing. I am attaching a picture. I don't know what to do I placed neosporin on it but she cleaned it off. Any suggestions. Should I take he to the vet?

Ouch! A rats tail is very vascular. Looks like the blood pooled to the surface.  You can apply heat first, ice second, intermittently and if there are open sores, yes, neosporin for sure. Keep her busy for a while till it absorbs but its ok if she licks it after a few minutes.  Tt may even turn black. This means the blood supply is cut off and it is necrotic.  This means she needs oral medication as well.
If this is the case, yes a vet for sure.  If it seems worse than the photo shows, again, yes, a vet should be seen.  If you need names of a good exotic vet please let me know your location and I will give you as many names as I can find of vets that are good with exotics.