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my daughters pet rat Keneeko

21 17:47:03

Hi, we are having a ittle problem. My daughters rat got bit by another rat, now we had to go and pay 300.00 at the vet for 2 stitches and everything that entails etc... but we got him back and they had this tiny cone on his head. Within 2 hours he had that cone off. we tried tightning the cone without choking him, but again he got it off. So the vet told us to wrap some gauze on him and hold it in pplac with Duct tape. well it worked for awhile, but because the tape started to come off his fur, and where the wound is he started getting his legs caught in it. the stitches are by his right leg, just above his bum on the back. So everytime he steps his foot would get caught. so now we tried cutting a sock that had a lot of elastic on it and make a little wrap around bandage, but since he is only 2 months old and not very big, he wriggles out of eeverything. Can you please help us. we don't want him to lick at his stitches, feel them and how rough they feel and rip them out. right now we have nothing on it- because we can't get anything to work. so we are constantly checking on him to make sure he is not chewing at it. I hope you have some better suggestions for us because we are so frustrated with hurting the little guy and al we have had to do to the poor thing. We love him dearly and do not want him to bleed in the middle of the night and we wake up and he's dead, my daughter and the rest of us would be devestated, please help!!


 The main reason that rats chew on their stitches is because they are in pain and they think by removing the stitches they will stop the pain which of course is not true.  Did your vet prescribe any pain medication?  He should have been given something for pain.  Rats should NEVER be given a cone; it will only make them more stressed out and they will get it off.  He'll be fine without anything.  Really, though, they should have used surgical glue rather than sutures =/  Leave him as is and see what he does.  If the vet didn't give you anything for pain, go back and ask for something (usually Metacam is given) as it will greatly reduce the chance of him chewing on it.

 All you can really do is just watch him, keep him pain-free, and he'll likely lick at it a bit then leave it alone.  Rats heal very quickly, it's unlikely that he will be able to do any real damage to himself.  If he does pull his stitches out take him back to the vet and ask them to use surgical glue so he has nothing to chew at.  And don't let them put any kind of cone on him; it will only make him want to chew at it even worse and stress him out, slowing the healing process.

 I hope this helps, let me know if there is anything else you need!  Good luck!