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My Rats have lice

21 17:49:23

My 3 boys have been itching a lot lately and on closer inspection with a magnifying glass,  I have found they have the little tell tale bugs scampering through their fur. I have gotten some small pet lice and parasite treatment from our local pet store and will be treating them and replacing their bedding and thoroughly cleaning their cage. I am wondering as most of their chew toys  and perches are wooden would it be best to just chuck  them and get new ones. Some websites have mentioned freezing bedding for 24 hours, would this work with toys as well? They also have a play blanket,will just washing do the trick or would a spray be better? Though I have owned rats for about 4 years now this is the first time this has come up and I would appreciate any advice that you might think helpful.   
Many thanks,

I'm not sure how effective the small pet lice and parasite treatments are, as I usually use Advantage or Revolution from a veterinarian.  Keep an eye on their skin to make sure they are fully gone.  I'm not sure what the directions said, but usually with a lice or mite treatment it has to be repeated in 2 weeks to kill the newly hatching parasites.

Freezing the bedding is supposed to be effective, though I have heard it should be frozen for 3 days rather than 24 hours.

As for the toys, I would soak them in a bleach solution then rinse them really well.  For the blanket you could either bleach it as well or simply wash it in your washing machine.

Good luck with your rats!