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rat temperature

21 17:35:34

hi i bout to get 2 girls but i would like to know what is the youngest age a rat
can be spayed and if there are any good vets near the zip code of 92129 that
can spay. also it would be helpful if i knew the maximum and minimum of
temperatures a rat can live. lastly i am going to get a 99 dollar rat cage that is
3 stories with a metal dish for the litter on the bottom and was wondering if i
should make the cage shorter for the young ones but make it bigger as they
get older and how would u decorate this cage if it was you ( what toys, hides,
hammocks, ect.)?
thanx and Merry whatever
Lukeamilion Berricheny


Spaying should occur anywhere between 3 and 5 months old but I prefer around 4.5 to 5 months of age.  As for the cage, if the levels are high and unprotected, I would remove them if you can and also be sure that the spacing isnt too far apart so they cant fit through and escape.

Check out my website for cages and ideas for toys etc...and also one important feature is to construct a safe play area for them so they cannot get away. The directions are on this webpage too. I tried to include as many photos as possible of cages, hammocks and other ideas for toys.  My webpage went ballistic and I lost some photos so let me know if you see alot of X's and no photos!

Here is the url: