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My rats ears are cracking and crusty

21 17:53:24

When i brought my rats home a few weeks ago they had small little white spots on their ears. i thought nothing of it. Now they have developed and become crusty as if they are taking over the whole ear. It is white and crusty and the top of one of my rats ears is cracking. This lumpy crusty spotty stuff is also on the tip of their noses. I havn't handled my rats for a few days now incase i spread it or incase i make it worse. What is it and what should i do about it? Thankyou

Ummmm, well, if the spots were black or off-white I'd say possibly mange. Rare, but it happens. But usually, mange does not display as white crusties. Any way you can take a picture and upload it, so I can see? Whatever they have most likely cannot be spread to you, simply to each other, and you handling them probably won't make it any worse (I can't think of anything that handling would male worse other than a bleeding injury).