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Orpahned 3 week old rats

21 17:01:53

When we brought my son's new pet rat home we did not know she was pregnant.  She had 14 babies three weeks ago.  She was doing everything right, super great mom, but we just found her dead in the enclosure.  We don't know why, although we suspect with 14, she gave all to the babies.  She was eating and drinking well and show no signs of being ill.  All of the babies are healthy and actvie (although mostly asleep now -- it is past midnight).  THey were alerady eating solid food in addition to nursing.  What do we need to do to keep them growing and healthy?  Any help is greatly appreciated.  We are in shock, and mourning her, but the babies need to be our priority now.  Thanks.

Oh no I am so sorry you lost her!!  I rescued a rat that also babies (had no idea she was pregnant till a few days before she gave birth since they dont usually show until that time) she had 15 babies.  She did good, but was pretty tired after trying to nurse so many pups!!  I am not so sure that is why your momma rat died, though, but its a good thing she did not die any sooner or the babies would be in trouble.  Its good they are eating solids.  I adopted three baby rats a few weeks ago that were just around 4 weeks old and had been weaned for a few days so they should be just fine now on solids.  Be sure to follow a good healthy diet for them, however, and not the cheap seed mixes pet stores sell. Those are far from ideal for rats  I suggest regal rat by oxbow.  It says its for adult rats but that is only because they feel baby rats need higher protein which is not true.  Also, check out my website, and refer to the subject on proper nutrition and how to feed your rats.  Rats are supposed to be on a lower protein diet in order to keep their kidneys and liver healthy. Rats die all the time because of a lousy diet.  Offer the babies vegetables such as peas (canned peas are fine!) and soft carrots canned or cooked.  You will find alot of info about it on my website.  Are they drinking ok from the water bottle?  If not, dab the nipple to the water bottle with a bit of jelly (the little bit of sugar wont hurt at all) and this will coax them to lick the water.