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Guy rats.

21 17:35:58

Kay so basically, I have to female rats. They are absolutely adorable, and my best friends for life. I love how they both have individual personalities, and how they're nosy butts who get into everything. They live in a Martin's Cage R-685 in our basement. They're Petco rats (unfortunately) and I've had them for almost 10 months now. I don't know exactly how old they are.
Anyways, I've switched over to Petsmart for my rat supplies. As they are cheaper and there's more stuff. Ever since August, every time I've been to Petsmart, I've seen the same rat there. This adorable male hooded rat. I'm guessing he's been there for 4 months, if not more. So here's the deal. I want to get him. I haven't talked to my parents yet but I'm sure I can get them to agree with me. He's been living in this stupid little tank thing for a while now, and they keep discounting the price for him. In August he was $15, and now he's like, $10.
I'd like for him to live with my girls, but I wanted your opinion on it first. And I want to know how I'd introduce them and stuff. So here's my questions,
Will my cage be able to house all three?
Will he get along with my girls?
How much will it cost to get him neutered?
And last, I need an exotic vet. My zip is 20164.
Sorry if this was a weird email, but I really want to save this poor guy.

ANSWER: Oh yes I am glad you want to get the little guy. I love little boy rats. Males are so....sweet. They are alot different than girl rats for sure. Girls are busy and nosey and full of energy and males, they do their thing and when they are done, they will find a spot to just flop down in and chill. My boys, during play time out of the cage, will go all over their play area (which is basically the room but blocked off in areas by tall cardboard walls so they cant get under furniture or behind furniture or by power cords etc..) so they have access to their cage during play time and I have some toys out for them and cardboard boxes I turned into a  castle for them to climb in and explore et....etc...they make fun tunnels for ferrets which I have for my rats, and paper bags are a hit too.  Anyhow, my males will come out, do their thing, climb up on my lap or stand at my feet and they will stand up on their hind legs and try to get my attention to pick them up. If a male is bred properly, they are super sweet and get along great with other rats, both sexes.
Of course, you cant let him with the girls unless either the girls are spayed or the male is neutered because of a high risk of pregnancy  and of course I see where you are asking about neutering. The price varies, from $100 and up, depending really on the part of the country you live in. I would only use a good certified vet which again, i see your asking for names of exotic vets in your area, which I will give you some names now where you can find the one nearest you  and call and find out about them or I can even call...just let me know.
I would go get the little guy right away before the price gets so low he is sold for snake food.  You can keep his cage near the girls cage after quarantine but again, you cant let them near each other unless your holding the male since the male  can get the female pregnant within 10 seconds!  Fast workers!!  :-0

As far as a vet goes, the best vet is of course an exotic vet that sees strictly exotics. Sadly there are less than 150 in the entire world.   
There are vets that see exotics and know a bit more than the basics about rats etc...and there are vets that have a "special interest" in exotics and know more than the basics but still...they are not always in the "know" and just seem to have a one track mind.  In order to properly neuter a rat, the vet of course must know this is not a  simple neuter like it is for a dog or cat, the rat must be kept extra warm during and after surgery due to rapid loss of body temperature, they must have  the proper sized implements to be able to monitor the small mammals  vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure  etc... and the rat must be kept warm for several hours after he is awake too. He will need to be given narcotic pain meds when he comes home plus antibiotics  to  keep infection away.  We can discuss that later though as I will go over a list of things to be sure of for a rat neuter .

Hope that helped. As for vets, here is the best place to go:

Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services    
111-A Center Street
Vienna VA 22180
Phone:    703-281-3750


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There will be 151 exotic specialists by the time I'm done with school. ;D

Part of the reason why I want this little guy so bad is because of the difference in personality. I mean, I love my girls to death but a little cuddle would be nice once in a while. I let Oreo and Monkey out on a table instead of the floor. They have all sorts of things on it. From pipes, to igloos, and fun stuff like that. They both brux like crazy when I take them out on the table!
The vet you listed isn't too far from where I live, only about 20 minutes. I'm a bit unsure on the price for the neuter. I was going to convince my parents to let me get him by covering any expenses we'd have by getting the guy. Normally, I would have enough saved but, with Christmas and all...
Guess I'll just have to ask them!
Would you mind calling these vets? To get an exact price and just to make sure they're suitable for the little guy? I looked at the staff page on their website, and I'm guessing Alissa Pritchard will be in charge of doing the neuter? Just making sure. He really is a cute little guy. Beige hooded, but with spots instead of a stripe, and dark red eyes. I'd like to get him as soon as possible but, once again, parents. The more information I have the better chance I have of getting a "yes." You mentioned that he might be bought as snake food. Is that really possible? He's absolutely HUGE!!! Way bigger than my girls.
Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!

ANSWER: Sure I will call tomorrow.    Also, just some good news about vets for our rats....

instead of avian/exotic vets, there will actually be a new specialty for our rats by 2009.  The new specialty is called "Exotic Companion mammal Veterinarians" and once the person is a general DVM they go back for continuing education and an internship in exotic companion mammal medicine which I think is 2 year internship....and the test? Its a two day long test!!  The animals that pertain to this specialty will be ferrets, rats, gerbils, hamsters, mice, cavy, rabbits, degus, sugar gliders, pet skunks, you name it....and this is very good news we have all been anticipating for a long time now!!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, thanks tons! Just send a reply after you've called them please. Now, you were saying stuff that I'd need to do after he gets neutered. My plan was to take him directly from the store to the vet, is that a good idea? Or should I let him settle down at home first beforehand?
Thanks again!

I just called and it is around $250 which includes being kept over night which is what you want for him.  It sounds steep, but because he will have the care that is meant for small mammals and not have implements used for dogs and cats that are not meant for small mammals, his safety is not at risk.

AS for if you should bring him home first before surgery:  You can, it doesnt matter that much.  You can Get him used to you, his new home etc...and wait a few weeks before the neuter...but on the other hand, he will be alone for the first 3 weeks after neutering anyhow since he cant go by the girls till he is healed and can get them pregnant still till the hormone levels die down.

Either way, it doesnt matter....he will have a good life now when its all over. I am happy for him!