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Rat with Pet Mice

21 16:53:23

I had a rat pinkie I have been raising with some fuzzy mice for the last month, the fuzzies and rat grew up together. Now the rat is getting much bigger than my largest mouse and I was planning to move it to it's own cage since I heard mice and rats should not live together. But the rat is still very young and is a female and seems to like the mice and treat them like family. They always cuddle, eat, and sleep together. Even though there is enough room in the cage they always sleep together. I am worried that when she grows older she might be aggressive to the mice, so should I move her or is she fine where she is?

Hi Nate,
I really don't know how to advise you on this. I've heard of rats raised with mice being fine with the mice all their life, and others that suddenly one day decided to kill them. To be completely safe, you should separate her and get another rat as a companion for her.