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Did my rat have a stroke?

21 16:51:55

Hi Emily.  I have 2 rats, they are sisters from the same litter and are about a year and a half old. I was away for the weekend and when I can home, I checked on them.  One of them seemed off, and after a good hard look, I realized that her right eye didn't seem right, it wasn't open all the way and kinda seemed a little droopy or closed more at the inside corner. Then I noticed that she was behaving like she couldn't see as well anymore and when I touched her tail, she completely freaked out like she was being attacked by someone she didn't know was there, even though my arm was right next to her. Then when it came time to eat, I tried handing her a cracker and she wouldn't take it from me, instead she sniffed it, and then started to eat it while I held it for her.  She has never done that before.  She would sometime put one or two little paws on the cracker and I would let go of the cracker and she would loose her grip on it, and not be able to pick it up from the if she has no muscle control in her paws.  I took her out and put her on the floor, and she can still walk, although she is lower to the ground now and slower/more cautious.  I also noticed that she seems to have some sort of scrap on her left wrist.  What are the chances that she has had a stroke, or do you think this could be something else?  Is there anything that I can do to help her, and do you think she will regain the grip in her paws again?  Thank you for your opinion.

Hi Linda,

Im Afraid it seems she has indeed had a stroke. a year and a half is a good age for a rat and often times they start going down hill. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to help improve her mobility. However, feeding her things that doesnt require a lot of energy to eat will help. Applesauce, yogurt..etc..with time she may gain her control back. She may not. If she does not it may be the best choice to take her to a vet and have her looked over.

best of luck!
