Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my ferret is very aggresive

my ferret is very aggresive

21 17:35:27

Everytime I go to reach for my ferret he runs from me. Sometimes he even bites. He isn't lonely cause we bought his brother too. he is nice with the other one but not with people. Please, what can I do to stop this?

How old is your ferret? Where did you buy him (small pet store, large pet store, small breeder, commercial breeder)? Do you know if he was ever handled before? How long have you had them? How often does he get out to play, and for how long? Are they both altered(neutered)? Have you handled each of them equally since you got them?

Many ferrets from big pet stores or commercial breeders don't get handled at all, they're just shipped around until they come home with you.. so often they don't have a clue who/what humans are, and they're resentful at being bothered. If this is an adult ferret and has been raised with his brother, he may be bonded to his brother and have no use for humans. If he doesn't get out to play often, he may want to play more than cuddle, and he needs a LOT more out of cage time.

If you can answer those questions for me, I can probably help you much much better -- I have three furbabies of my own, I know how difficult biting can be! :)