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my rats tail skin

21 17:44:55

QUESTION: My rats tail skin seems to have "peeled" off, and the underneath is bloody, is there anything I can do for her?

ANSWER: Connie

"My rats tail skin seems to have "peeled" off, and the underneath is bloody, is there anything I can do for her?"

Yes, she needs a vet right away. She has been degloved which is a very critical injury. How did this occur?  They can get serious infection from this and also the pain is so bad they can go into shock. Rats hide pain very well but being she is a pet rat she should not have to hide it and should get treated ASAP. Do you have an exotic vet for your rat?  If its really bad, the vet may need to amputate part of the tail that is degloved. The tail is part of the rats extended vertabrae and contains alot of nerves and even a major artery through it. Any injury to a rats tail is considered critical. If any vet disagrees its obvious they know enough about rats.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Did I mention it is just the tip of her tail? thank you so much for your rapid reply... i am looking for a vet that can help us

No, I imagined this huge bloodied tail!!  Glad its not! Whew!!

If its the tip, and I mean a small small portion, it may dry up and fall off but if its more than the tip, it may be more trouble and would need a vet.

Try this link for an exotic vet for rats in your area:

please keep me posted!