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rat tail skin

21 17:44:55

my rats tail skin seems to have "peeled" off on the end...and underneaath it appears to be bleeding - is there anything I can do for her?

 It sounds like a degloving injury, which usually can heal on their own if it is minor and the bleeding is under control.  If you can get her to a vet, though, it's a good idea, but if not then you can mostly just leave it as long as it is not bleeding profusely.  Keeping the cage clean is very important as it will help the wound from being infected.  You may also want to switch to polar fleece or towels as bedding so small particles of bedding don't get into the wound.  Giving her ibuprofen for pain and swelling is a good idea too, it's best to find infant formulated ibuprofen such as Children's Motrin.  It can be given at a dose of 0.03mg / gram of the rat's weight.  The tail tip will eventually dry up and fall off over the next week or two and she will be perfectly fine.

 I hope your rat gets better soon, good luck!