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High White

21 17:33:52

Hi, it wouldn't let me do one more follow-up!
(Thanks for all your help so far, by the way =))

Anyway, she's eating a lot more and doesn't want to be as friendly with the
other girls. I'll be separating them soon. Anyway, here's one last picture of
dad's litter with his brothers and sister. He's the one second from the left. I
have some confidence that they'll be fine, his whole litter is still alive and
she's perfectly healthy. =)
IF I give any away, I'll let them know that they absolutely cannot be bred.
Thanks so much for your help so far. =)

Naah I think they'll be fine... that looks like a pretty a-typical litter despite that I can't see their little faces. Don't worry too much. :) Watch your fingers with the new mama, she may be a little snappy for awhile. Babies are so much fun, though.. so very exciting!

Let me know if I can help with anything else; and I would LOVE to see Badger's litter once you've got pictures of them! :) (you can also e-mail me directly at