Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat that had no vagina follow up question

rat that had no vagina follow up question

21 17:57:30

QUESTION: hello again just a quick question i have the rat with no vagina and she fine but still no vagina i am now wondering is it possible for a rat to be of both sexes cuz you can see where the vaginal gap needs to rupture and it may cuz it has been developing but she seems to have verry minute shape testicals starting to form it's hard to see but she is extremly different from other rats i just also like to know if a rat is of both sexes can she get her cage mates pregnant? My little bee is so strange i have never seen a rat like her lol thank you.

ANSWER: Has this rat been examined by a vet?

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QUESTION: No as i am a qualified animal care assistant and i am currently studying advanced animal care level 3 i know she is in good health if there were problems i would take her to a vet. I dont mind bee being strange is just a question really if she is both male and female can she get her sister pregnant i just dont know. Can i also say with joy my other rat who is housed in a different cage gave birth last week but she only had one and both mum and baby are doing well.Thank you

If she has testicles, chances are there is sperm production. I wouldn't risk it. Also, there is a high chance she has some abnormalities internally, possibly affecting heart, lungs and other vital organs and you would not want to pass this off to any off spring.