Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > i think my rat has mites

i think my rat has mites

21 18:00:01

My rat itches so much that her skin breaks open! A vet treated her with 3 shots of ivermectin and the problem still persists! What else can I do?! Could it be something besides mites!? I know its not fleas because I've checked over her thoroughly.  

I have sought additional help for you from other rat-keeping friends and I will pass this info onto you when I receive it.

I think what's happened is you and your vet have gotten rid of the mites, but the irritation from the mites is still there, setting up a vicious itch cycle.

Suggestions: Holistic
A homeopathic product from Dr. Goodpet

Oatmeal water bath. Boil oatmeal in more water then required for porridge and use the water for a soothing wash. Let it remain on the skin, do not rinse off.

Calendula tea rinse. Same idea as the oatmeal water. Soothes and heals the skin.

Suggestions: Allopathic
Ask your vet about giving your rat a cortisone injection to stop the itch.

Hope this helps,