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ouestion about my rat

21 17:24:04

QUESTION: my rat seems to have lost some weight lately, he has also been somewhat lethargic. He normally has more energy and runs around more, but he doesn't any more. This change has occurred over the last month or so and i haven't changed his diet or environment at all he still eats and drinks the same amount. Could you please let me know how to troubleshoot this problem or let me know what would be the best thing to do. Thanks


How old is your rat? Also, what type of foods has he been fed?  Does he seem to breathe faster than he used to breathe?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: he is a little over two years old, and yes he does seem to breath somewhat faster.

Adam could have heart disease.  The reason I ask about diet is because sometimes if a rat has had a diet high in protein for most of his life, he could have kidney disease, which causes weight loss. However, the rapid breathing together with weight loss could indicate heart disease. Also, his age is also a factor as well.

Check his feet. See if they are pink or do they take on a  blue hue to the soles.
What you can do for him now is to keep him from getting tired easily and instead of having to climb ramps and ladders, put him in a single story cage with his water lower for him and also his food dish should be at close range. Dont let him exert himself any more than he has to.

Do you have a vet?  There is medication that he can be given if he indeed has heart disease and it will help slow his heart rate down and keep the heart beating steady.

No matter what, he can live with heart disease and does not need put to sleep unless he gets to the point he doesnt want to eat, drink or care about anything, or starts to panic due to lack of oxygen etc....

I have had many rats with heart disease, mainly older males 2 years and older and just lost one of my best rats to it two weeks ago and he was diagnosed a few months back.

Keep in mind this is only an educated guess since I did not examine him in person and this is not to be a solid diagnosis,just my opinion as per my experience.  A vet that sees exotic pets should be the one to rule out heart disease.