Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat seems to have eaetn a lump on her side.

My rat seems to have eaetn a lump on her side.

21 17:24:04

My rat went to have surgery after a tail degloving and when she came back, she had a small lump on her side, whihc we took to be the locus of the general anathetic. The lump did not grow, so we did not worry about it. Then, several months later, it grew a small amount and then stopped, so again we ignored it. Last week, it took on the apppearance of sawdust and we booked a vets appointment, but this morning we got her out and the lump is gone, leaving a small red patch.

Any thoughts? Does she still need the vets?

Sounds like an abscess that broke. The sawdust appearance gave it away.

I think the vet should know the difference between an abscess and a tumor, but you would be surprised.   I think she is just fine if all that is left is a red patch.  Keep it clean and watch her.