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Jello and affection

21 17:54:25

Two quick questions.
1) My rat got ahold of some jello and I was wondering if that is alright at all. Also he started FLIPPING out...does sugar really affect them that quickly?
2) I'm pretty sure my ratty likes me, but what are some ways to tell?


Hi Gina

How much jello did your rat eat?
To be honest, the sugar didn't make him flip out...he just loved it and got excited!!

Also, if your rat comes to you readily when you call him and doesn't hide from you etc...that means he trusts you. Rats like people, they just don't always trust people and are shy. Sometimes people assume the rat doesn't like that but the truth is, the rat is just scared and unsure and needs to learn to trust his owner.
Rats also make a sound called bruxing. This is when they grind their teeth together really fast. The vibration from the tooth grinding also makes their eyes vibrate fast in their sockets and this is called boggling. When rats brux and boggle, this means they are happy and content, kind of equal to a cat purring. When your with your rat and you hear this sound, you can bet the rat is content and happy with his current situation.

Hope this helps