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how do you train rats

21 17:34:01

QUESTION: what is something simple to put in litter boxes other than the stuff you have to

ANSWER:   I'm not sure if you mean litter box as in a separate litter box for the rat to be litter trained in or for the bedding for the entire cage, but here are some suggestions for both.

 Shredded paper can be used as litter but it needs to not have too much ink on it.  Newspaper can also be used, but the ink can get your rats very dirty looking; it is better to use non-printed paper.  It can either be cross cut shredded or regular shredded.

 Some people use polar fleece for the bedding in their cages, either cut into small scraps or custom made into large pieces that cover the entire bottom of the cage.  This bedding is nice because it is absorbent as well as washable and reusable but since the rats can and will chew it the bedding does not last forever.  Different kinds of fabrics can be used for bedding but it must be a non-fraying kind.

 Bits of cardboard could also be used in the same way, but they will get soiled easily and must be changed more frequently.

 Honestly it's much easier to just buy bedding, and there are many options out there that are good and still cost-effective.  My two favorites for dirt cheap bedding are aspen shavings (which you can get in a huge bale for $10) and wood stove pellets (large bag for $5).  With the wood stove pellets the key is to get them from a place that sells them for wood stove burning rather than as cat litter.  The products marketed as litter will sell the same stuff for $18 a bag but the wood stove pellets are about $5.

 I hope that helped answer your question, good luck with your rats!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how do i train my rat  to go to the litter box shes really smelly because of it
thanks jess.

 Though rats can be litter trained, they are never 100% trained and some rats just will never learn.  The only way to teach her is to pick up all her poops from her cage several times a day and put them in the litter box, and when you notice her peeing or pooping quickly move her to the box and give her a treat.  If you have her out, return her to the box after 10 or 20 minutes of play so she can use it and give her a treat if she does.  Make sure the box is large (not those tiny corner ones) enough that she can get into with all four feet so she will feel comfortable using it.  The most important aspect of litter training is to have some different kind of litter in the box than in the rest of the cage, which will help your rat tell the difference between the cage and the litter area.  Always provide a litter box for when the rat is running around outside of the cage.  After doing all that, it's up to the rat.  Either she'll use it on her own or she won't; unfortunately it's difficult to make them want to if they don't!