Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Sick Eye PLEASE HELP!


21 17:40:19

QUESTION: We have a cute brown and white female mouse named Miley.  she is maybe 7 months old and today my daughter noticed that her eye is bulging and looks like its been bleeding.  she looks like she can hardly breath and won't eat or move much at all.  we can't afford a vet what should we do?

ANSWER: She probably has porphyrin discharge. See this site, tell me if this is what you see:

Are you saying you have a mouse or is it a rat? There is a huge difference and although my specialty is rats I do work with mice and have had my own, but I need to know which it is.

The fact she isnt moving, drinking and having a hard time breathing means she is pretty sick. I am sorry but the only thing you can do is take her to the vet and if you cant afford treatment please have them put her to sleep because she is suffering and needs medical treatment.  Most vets put them to sleep for free.   I wish I could help but unless I had a magic wand (and believe me my friend, I wish I did, really) I cant help your little mouse :(  
I wish I could help everyone and their little critter and take away their pain and illnesses and make it free for vet care but thats just a dream.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That's it only her eye was bulging, and swollen on that side,  and she couldn't walk and she kept tiping over.  She passed last night.  As far as we know she was young.  Our 4 year old is pretty sad. She has a cage mate do you think she'll be ok?  I'm sorry they are rats...

I am sorry you lost her. I had a feeling she wouldnt survive.If was probably a brain tumor if her eye was bulging and she lost her balance etc.... Nothing could have helped anyhow. This is an educated guess only mind you since I didnt see her in person.

THe cage mate may be lonely and she may mourn heavily, sometimes until she also becomes sick.  The stress from being depressed can cause the immune system to weaken which in turn causes the rat to become ill. On the other hand she may be fine, but if she is young, thats a long time to live all alone and this is the time she is very playful etc...

I hate to tell you to get another rat and turn around and have them end up sick if you cant afford vet treatment. I know its expensive and can add up for sure.... if you can perhaps get a credit card for just the rats bills or apply for care credit.  Heck with this economy lately, its just tough to support humans let alone furred friends!!