Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > 2 abandoned baby rats

2 abandoned baby rats

21 17:22:14

QUESTION: This afternoon I found 2 baby (i think they are rats) They might also be mice but I think they are rats. I put them in a box with a heating pad under it and I am trying to feed them plain soy milk but i can't get them to eat! Any suggestions?? Oh and the have there eyes open they are just really small.

ANSWER: Keep the heating pad on one side of the box on low so if they get too warm they can go to the other side of the box.  Also, what are you using to feed them with? A dropper? The good news is, their eyes are open.  Its often very difficult to sustain life in rat pups if their eyes are still shut. I assume they have fur? Are they moving around?  Check out these photos to compare so you can better tell their age.  If they were mice they would be teenie tiny little, like pinkie sized.  Rat pups are more like the size of your index finger (in length)  Also, be sure to give them soft fleece or tee shirt material to snuggle in.  Anything else may shred threads that can attach around tiny limbs and cut of circulation.

Check out these photos and let me know which ones the pups most resemble:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I figured out that they are mice and one died yesterday but I think it was already hurt. The other one seems really healthy she is wicked hypor so we put her in a glass cage to she can't climb out.I noticed earlier that she even has teeth. I don't know if you know anything about mice but i don't know if she is eating and I keep trying to feed her milk but she doesn't seem to want it i also put a little bit of peanut butter in the cage for free range and there was a few teeth marks in it this morning! I don't know if you can help but thank you so much anyway.

You dont want to give her peanut butter.  it can clog their tiny throats and choke her.

Open up a can of peas and carrots and see if she eats them. Experiment. Smash them in one dish and leave them whole in another.  Get a hanging water bottle and smear a bit of jelly on the side of the spout to entice her to drink.  Be sure there is a lid on the tank or she will climb out.

Also, mice and rats eat about the same things.  Check out my website on rat diets. You can start witht he soft foods for her for now.  For bedding use only yesterdays news, aspen or care fresh, never cedar or pine.    Do you plan to keep her? I Have had mice before, they are sweet and fun.  She can be tame once she starts eating and seems strong and you can put your hand in the tank and let her sniff at your hand so she gets used to your scent.  Be careful she doesnt run up your arm, they are fast as heck.

Here is the URL to my site.  ALot of the info on there is can be used for mice, too.