Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Hezakiah


21 17:29:06

he is always making a chirping sound. he is so scared because we have to medicate him bid  but he really likes the cleavage of my wife but he is definitely more active. bit my daughter! they need to quit feeding him in the cage:) 6 days of treatment i have adjusted his dose to 2 units instead of one. i hear they all have this respiratory when they are born. he is 120 grams now, he was 114  how long should i treat him for i feel at least 30 days >>> he isnt getting worse but i still here that chirping noise? and thatnks for the video its so cool when they really want to play with you:)

I think you may be confused.  Rats are not all born with respiratory disease.  What they carry is the organism that can cause various ailments, including respiratory infections.  The first time they show signs of illness they need medicated properly for the proper duration or they will end up being chronic.  

You can read more about it on my site that I gave you the link to. Look under MYCOPLASMOSIS and let me know after you read it.