Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rats have upper respiratory infection possibly pneumonia.

rats have upper respiratory infection possibly pneumonia.

21 17:29:07

I spent allot of $ taking my rats to the vet & medicating them  their sneezing almost went away then came back. This is my second time medicating them w/ baytril .1ml 2x day its hard for me because i have shaky hands so i have to put their meds on angel food cake, is that ok to do? Also is there a better med that works? In the past in a different state vets prescribed tetracycline, it seemed to work better do vets still prescribe that? What would you recommend is there anything natural or over the counter?

Angel food cake is fine.  However, if after a few days they dont respond to medication they need more.  .1ml is one tiny dose, how much would you say the rats weigh?

Nothing natural or over the counter, but I do prefer that baytril be used along with amoxil for secondary infection.  

Why do you think they have pneumonia?  When a rat has pneumonia, they wheeze, gasp, will not eat or drink, have hunched posture, are lethargic, have audible congestion and are down right sick little critters.  

What else are your rats doing besides sneezing?