Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > lump under rats eye.

lump under rats eye.

21 17:28:14

hay, um my albino male rat, ratbag has a pinkish lump under his eye, but it also has some brownish color too.
um feed him biscuits, bread crusts, and scraps of lots of foods that i would think ok for him. (never chocolate.)
this is a first rat for me and it kinda scary. help.

I need something more to it than that - what consistency is the lump? soft? hard? wrinkled? flakey? crusty? weeping? growing in size, or staying the same? Any behavior differences lately? Any other symptoms of anything potentially going on? How old is this rat?

Please consider researching a proper diet. Rats need a rounded diet - not scraps. I prefer using a modified version of Suebee's diet - - and implementing a few changes as my rats tell me what they do and do not like based on how much they eat. A lab block base, coupled with whole grains, dried and fresh fruit, etc. is definitely the way to go. PLEASE look into it.

Chocolate in itself is not blatantly bad - as an occasional treat it's just fine, and dark chocolate can actually be rather beneficial when your animal is having a respiratory crisis.