Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My pet rat has sores under her chin

My pet rat has sores under her chin

21 17:41:00

Hi, I bought 2 rats about 2 months ago.  One of them, who is about 3-4 months old has developed a sore under her chin.  First her hair started to raise up, and then a spot started to raise, and now it looks like a little scab has formed there.  It looks like she might be getting another one next to her mouth.  I wondered what it could be and if I should try to put some antibiotic oinment on it.  Please let me know what you think. Thank you.


Hi Sydni

Could be an abscess. Try holding a warm compress on it for a bit and loosen the scab up.  If it is still raised up, it could be filled with pus. Gently press under the base of the lump and see if anything comes out, such as pus.  I would continue with the antibiotic ointment.

Sometimes rats will react funny if they are on a high protein diet and they develop lots of scabs all over, but they also cause severe itching too.   Is she itching at all in that area?