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Is peach wood safe for pet rats?

21 17:49:02

Hi there,

I was wondering if the peach wood chews sold at pet stores is safe for pet rats. Also, could you suggest other safe products for them to gnaw on.

Thanks for your time.


Hi Tracey!

Good chew toys for rats and mice include dog bones such as Nylabones, Gumabones and my favorite, a hard dog cookie/bone that is lowfat and low protein.  

When giving your ratties any chew toys that are wood, be sure it is safe with no preservatives. The peach wood is safe as long as it   Contains no by-products, preservatives, artificial flavors or colors.

I usually avoid the hard wooden chew toys due to possibly splinters and even injesting sharp pieces have been noted, thus in turn causing problems internally with the rat. The softer kind, like the fruit woods such as the apple and peach are ok and rats do love them!!!

To be totally honest? Your rat loves to gnaw. She (or he) is a rodent, which means they are gnawing animals. It is a myth that their teeth will grow through the roof of their mouth if you do not provide them with something to gnaw on.  The rats teeth are made to wear themselves down naturally every time they eat and also when they brux . Rats brux (grind their teeth together) when they are happy and content but they often are heard bruxing when they are simply in their nest "chillin out"
However,when rats suffer from malocclusion, or misaligned teeth, this is when the teeth can grow crooked and needs to be treated by a vet so he can trim them properly etc... so they dont start to cause pressure sores from the teeth rubbing against the inside of  the mouth.  Lack of providing chew toys for the rats do not promote malocclusion. Often it is genetic.  Rats LOVE to gnaw so there is no reason why you cant provide them  with safe gnawing materials, as you are asking about now, but its not necessary  if you dont, either.

Hope this helps!