Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat abscessed tooth still swollen on antibiotics

rat abscessed tooth still swollen on antibiotics

21 16:53:11

My rat is 15 months old ,is still very sweet & is still eating& drinking.He has been on antibiotics for 2 weeks now and the swelling is not gone down,its at the front just where his little whiskers are
it's one of his front teeth,will this clear up with continued meds ?
he goes back for a recheck on the 25th of this month. I guess what i want to know is ,is he gonna be ok?and he sounds like hes sneezing my vet says he's not sick ,thats its abscess.

Dear Bernie,

The antibiotic isn't working. The rat may also need an anti-inflammatory.

The rat must go back to the vet now, not wait till the 25th. The tooth may need to be extracted.

Do you have a good rat vet? Just checking. Cat and dog vets don't know enough about rats. You need an "exotics" or "pocket pets" vet.

I wish him the very best of luck and health.

